gVim: How to open multiple files in its own tab at once?

in most GUI text editor I can use ctrl click to open multiple files at once. I can't do that in gvim.
What the gvim way to do it?

-edit- ...using gui way instead of command line.

Solution 1:


gvim -p file1.c file3.c ...


gvim -p *.c

Solution 2:

gVim opens multiple files in buffers.

:tab ball

will open these buffers in their own tabs. I guess you could add this command to your _vimrc to make it happen each time gvim runs.

In Windows: gvimext.dll: Support loading files into a VIM tab

  1. Select multiple files (with CTRL-Click)
  2. Right-Click to get context menu
  3. Click "Edit with single Vim using tabs"

Solution 3:

This is a partial registry fix (selecting multiple files and right-clicking Edit with gVim opens those files in different tabs in the same window)

@="C:\\Program Files\\Vim\\vim70\\gvim.exe --remote-tab-silent \"%1\""

Solution 4:

You can open multiple files in gvim. After you've selected the files you want to open, right-click and select "Edit with single Vim". Vim will initially display only the first file, but all the file names are in Vim's argument list. Execute


to open each file in the list one at a time (:N to go back), or


to see all the files at once, each in a different Vim window, or

:tab all

to see each in a different tab.

Solution 5:

  • Open files:

    vim {file1,file2,...}

    in buffers, then use

    :ls (list), :n (next), :p (previous), :b<N> (open file N), :b [press TAB]
  • Open in tabs:

    vim -p <files> 

    as polemon wrote, then use same commands as above

  • Open in multiple windows :

    vim -o {file1,file2,...}

    Then see e.g. http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~kuperman/help/vim/windows.html