Launcher Icon is not Shown in Oreo 8.0/8.1


I have a working app in google play market. Everything works fine in android versions from 4.0-7.0.


When the client downloaded it on his Android 8.0 (Oreo) a launcher icon did not seem to show instead android's default launcher icon is showing!!


Anyone who has encountered such issue? I need any hints to solve it since it seems weird because I have all 4 typed .png icons in mipmap folder.

Yes, I also faced the same issue in Android Oreo.

1) Add your images by adding in Image Vector

enter image description here

This might not be the ideal solution. But deleting the directory named mipmap-anydpi-v26 will resolve the issue if you have correct icons in relevant folders.

I was having the same problem make sure you have set drawable or mipmap to icon attribute as well as roundIcon attribute under application tag in your Manifest file



This might resolve someone's issue. Thanks.