Inheritance of Custom Attributes on Abstract Properties

Solution 1:

Instead of calling PropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(...), you have to call the static method System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pi,...), as in:

PropertyInfo info = GetType().GetProperties();

// this gets only the attributes in the derived class and ignores the 'true' parameter
object[] DerivedAttributes = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute),true);

// this gets all of the attributes up the heirarchy
object[] InheritedAttributes = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(info,typeof(MyAttribute),true);

Solution 2:

No, attributes are inherited.

It's the GetCustomAttributes() method that does not look at parent declarations. It only looks at attributes applied to the specified member. From the docs:


This method ignores the inherit parameter for properties and events. To search the inheritance chain for attributes on properties and events, use the appropriate overloads of the Attribute..::.GetCustomAttributes method.