Convert NSString to NSInteger?

I want to convert string data to NSInteger.

If the string is a human readable representation of a number, you can do this:

NSInteger myInt = [myString intValue];

[myString intValue] returns a cType "int"

[myString integerValue] returns a NSInteger.

In most cases I do find these simple functions by looking at apples class references, quickest way to get there is click [option] button and double-click on the class declarations (in this case NSString ).

I've found this to be the proper answer.

NSInteger myInt = [someString integerValue];

NSNumber *tempVal2=[[[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init] numberFromString:@"your text here"];

returns NULL if string or returns NSNumber

NSInteger intValue=[tempVal2 integerValue];

returns integer of NSNumber

this is safer than integerValue:

-(NSInteger)integerFromString:(NSString *)string
    NSNumberFormatter *formatter=[[NSNumberFormatter alloc]init];
    [formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
    NSNumber *numberObj = [formatter numberFromString:string];
    return [numberObj integerValue];