What is the word that de­scribes the hu­man fe­male breast’s shape?

Mammillar and Mamillary are (apparently) used to refer to things that are breast or nipple shaped (but are not breasts or nipples).

The non-OED Oxford dictionaries (for mammillary):

Shaped like or resembling a breast or nipple

The free dictionary (for mammillar):

(Biology) resembling a breast or nipple

The term you're looking for is breast-shaped.


Winter Park may buy breast-shaped building on Lee Road (Orlando Sentinel, 2014)

During the colonial and early American periods, the mountain was known as "Mamelle" mountain. "Mamelle" is a name commonly applied in the French-speaking parts of the world to a breast or any breast-shaped hill. (Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture, 2016)

Is the breast-shaped shadow on St. Mary’s Cathedral an accident or a clever prank? (KALW, 2018)