Okay, it’s on my the tip of my tongue. I was watching interviews where they ask people what is their strongest point etc. If they’re asking about their weakness, the noun is ‘What is your Achilles heel?’ and when they’re asking about their best quality, they go, ‘What is your cup of tea?’

I’m looking for a word which means something you can’t stand, that annoys you. Usually interviewers ask them, ‘What is your ____?’ For example, the answer to that question is ‘Biting nails.’

Solution 1:

Pet peeve (Cited from the Mariam Webster dictionary)

Definition of pet peeve:

A frequent subject of complaint


One of my pet peeves is when people bite their fingernails. It bothers me so much!

Pet peeve is commonly used, so you can use this to express an annoyance you have.

Solution 2:


  1. something that vexes; a cause of annoyance.

"What vexes you?" is a fairly plausible, common question to ask, although it may not quite have all of the pizzazz that your game show-like environment aspires to.


  1. a person or thing that annoys

Certainly each person could rapidly produce a list of their annoyances.

Solution 3:

I'm rather fond of bugbear.

From Merriam-Webster:

a continuing source of irritation : PROBLEM

Solution 4:

bane TFD

A source of persistent annoyance or exasperation:

As in:

‘What is/are the **bane(s) of your life?’**