One word for a person who pretends to be nice to someone's face but makes fun of them behind their back [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Echoing Jim's comment above, you might consider 'two-faced'

  • Hypocritical or double-dealing; deceitful.

  • Being or acting so as to conceal one's real intentions

Specifically this would fit with someone who quite literally shows one face (friendly) and another face (unfriendly) under differing circumstances.

So the usage would be

"I hate how two-faced she is, always talking about people behind their backs"

Solution 2:

If you are looking for a single word, then I would suggest backstabber


Noun. (plural backstabbers) A traitor or hypocrite, such as a co-worker or friend assumed trustworthy but who figuratively attacks when one's back is turned.


Solution 3:

There is also

From WordNet (r) 3.1 (2006):

duplicitous, adj

1: marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another;
"she was a deceitful scheming little thing" - Israel Zangwill;
"a double-dealing double agent";
"a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer" - W.M.Thackeray

[syn: {ambidextrous}, {deceitful}, {double-dealing}, {duplicitous}, {Janus-faced}, {two-faced}, {double-faced}, {double-tongued}]