What is the word for 'Turning real events into fiction'? [closed]

A single word or phrase for turning events (historical/recent) into fiction.Like based on real events, but fictious. Like some myths that have been derived from real events.

'romanticized' but that means turning things into good/idealistic.I'm looking for a word that is neutral.

Solution 1:

Fictionalise (Am. Eng fictionalize)


To fictionalize an account of something that really happened means to tell it as a story, with some details changed or added.

Solution 2:

"Fictionalise"/"fictionalize" (depending on local spelling) is - as already suggested - probably the closest, but I've also seen "dramatise"/"dramatize" (often as "dramatisation") used.

I want to say that the word for turning real events into fiction is "journalism", but that's probably not as helpful as I think it is.

Solution 3:

A related literary term is roman à clef ('story with a key') in which real persons and events are overlaid with fictional persons and events.

Solution 4:

allegorise (Am. Eng. allegorize)

Verb, from:

Noun: allegory

figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.