Make the Print dialog ask for confirmation when printing the entire document

Solution 1:

You could override the default print dialogs with your own defaults. You would only add this macro to the documents that you want to have different defaults for.

' Override File -> Print (does not work on Word 2010)
Sub FilePrint()
    Call ShowPrintDialogWithDefault
End Sub

' Override Ctrl + P or PrintPreview in the toolbar
Sub PrintPreviewAndPrint()
    Call ShowPrintDialogWithDefault
End Sub

' Override the Quick Print button
Sub FilePrintDefault()
    Call ShowPrintDialogWithDefault
End Sub

Sub ShowPrintDialogWithDefault()
    With Dialogs(wdDialogFilePrint)
        .Range = wdPrintCurrentPage ' Set print current page only as the default setting
    End With
End Sub