How do I make a external drive appear as an internal drive?

I'm running OSX Mountain Lion, and have a firewire drive hooked up for storage. I would like to make it appear as if it's an internal drive as my online syncing software - sugarsync - doesn't allow the files to reside on external hard drives, and I need the space, thus wanting the files on the external.

How can I make it appear as if it's an internal drive?

Solution 1:

Make a symlink in your SugarSync folder that links to a folder on your external drive:

ln -s /Volumes/ExternalDrive /Volumes/SugarSync/ExternalDrive

Note about hard links

Hard links do not normally point to directories, and they cannot link paths on different volumes or file systems.

Note this risk:

BUT... what happens if the external drive/SD card is disconnected at any point? Would those files be considered deleted, then propopagating a deletion of files across all my computers??? I asked tech support, and they said there WAS a risk of file loss. I did not test this further. Anyone else?? I'm reluctant to test with my live data, and have reached storage capacity."

It's likely that this risk will also apply to solutions that don't use symlinks. Unless the sync'ing application (sugarsync in this case) is programmed to be aware of such a location not always being available to the system.