Automatically setting jobs (-j) flag for a multicore machine?

Solution 1:

I'm assuming you're using Linux. This is from my ~/.bashrc

# parallel make
export NUMCPUS=`grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo`
alias pmake='time nice make -j$NUMCPUS --load-average=$NUMCPUS'

sample usage

samm@host src> echo $NUMCPUS
samm@host src> pmake

becomes time nice make -j8 --load-average=8.

To answer your specific question about putting this into a Makefile, I don't find it practical to sprinkle this logic all over my Makefiles. Putting this into a top level Makefile also isn't a great solution since I often build from sub-directories and wish to build them in parallel as well. However, if you have a fairly flat source hierarchy, it may work for you.

Solution 2:

It appears that the MAKEFLAGS environment variable can pass flags that are part of every make run (at least for GNU make). I haven't had much luck with this myself, but it might be possible to use -l rather than -j to automatically run as many jobs as are appropriate for the number of cores you have available.

Solution 3:

As Jeremiah Willcock said, use MAKEFLAGS, but here is how to do it:

export MAKEFLAGS="-j $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)"

or you could just set a fixed value like this:

export MAKEFLAGS="-j 8"

If you really want to boost performance you should use ccache by adding something like the following to your Makefile:

CCACHE_EXISTS := $(shell ccache -V)
    CC := ccache $(CC)
    CXX := ccache $(CXX)

Solution 4:

I usually do this as follows in my bash scripts:

make -j$(nproc)

Solution 5:

You can add a line to your Makefile similar to the following:


Then add a ${NUMJOBS} line in your rules, or add it into another Makefile var (like MAKEFLAGS). This will use the NUMJOBS envvar, if it exists; if it doesn't, automatically use -j4. You can tune or rename it to your taste.

(N.B.: Personally, I'd prefer the default to be -j1 or "", especially if it's going to be distributed to others, because although I have multiple cores also, I compile on many different platforms, and often forget to dis-able the -jX setting.)