Change Jenkins default view

from comment> When I go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System and Default View, all our "public" views are listed there in the drop down.

Make sure the view you created isn't just in "My Views" for your user, and is open to everyone.

"Manage Jenkins" > "Configure System" >

The default view option is just after the "SCM checkout retry count" and before "enable security"

See below:

enter image description here

You should not have to change anything to have it show up. You might need more than one view, but it seems you have already created another one...

You can only choose between default views when you have more than one view. So first, create a new view by clicking the '+' mark on the Jenkins dashboard:

enter image description here

Of course, the '+' will only appear if you have permission to create new views.

Now, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System. The Default View option appears. Using this you can select the default view.

The above applies to Jenkins 1.536.