14.04 LTS No Dash / Launcher after update through Software Updater

I'm getting no Dash / Launcher after I login. This started after an update through the Software updater. Please help to fix ... I've already lost a day trying different options posted on askubuntu.com. Nothing worked.

Got to the terminal via Ctl + Alt + F1 and logged-in successfully.

Here are the logs:
Script for ibus started at run_im.
init: unity-panel-service main process (2315) terminated with status 1
init: indicator-printers main process (2459) terminated with status 1
init: unity-settings-daemon main process (2300) terminated with status 1
init: upstart-dbus-session-bridge main process (2293) terminated with status 1
init: hud main process (2304) killed by TERM signal
init: indicator-bluetooth main process (2446) killed by TERM signal
init: indicator-power main process (2448) killed by TERM signal
init: indicator-datetime main process (2451) killed by TERM signal
init: indicator-sound main process (2453) killed by TERM signal
init: indicator-session main process (2483) killed by TERM signal
init: indicator-application main process (2486) killed by TERM signal
init: Disconnected from notified D-Bus bus

UPDATE (Jun 8, 2014):

Okay, I have reset unity, but I cannot login normally via the login screen.
Steps I follow:
1. Login screen -> blank ... No dash / no launcher / No Status (Notification) Bar on top
2. Ctrl+Alt+F1 to bash terminal
3. export DISPLAY=:0
4. unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity (This does not complete, blocks on OpenGL)
5. I anyways continue to by doing: Ctrl+Alt+F7.
6. Launcher & Dash look good. But there is (a) No Status / Notification Bar on top
7. Continuing to work this way. Haven't logged out since.

Solution 1:

I had a similar problem, I solved it by switching in terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1) then removing the configuration file ~/.config/dconf/user like this :

(! this action will remove your gnome 3 settings !)

sudo service lightdm stop
rm ~/.config/dconf/user
sudo service lightdm start

Solution 2:

First, check your machine is fully updated. Open command line (Ctrl + Alt + F1):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

If you get any errors, run:

sudo apt-get install -f

Then rerun to first two commands to ensure no further errors. After that you can try logging in (Ctrl-Alt-F7 to change to you GUI) to see if Unity is now working.

If Unity is still not running, follow these instructions to reset your unity configuration, (from How do I reset my Unity configuration?):

With 14.04 install unity-tweak-tool:

sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool

Then run the follow command to reset Unity to defaults:

unity-tweak-tool --reset-unity

Solution 3:

Trying to do this it work very well:


Enter your login and your password and run the three following commands:

sudo service lightdm stop
rm ~/.config/dconf/user
sudo service lightdm start