Android: TextView: Remove spacing and padding on top and bottom

setIncludeFontPadding (boolean includepad)

or in XML this would be:


Set whether the TextView includes extra top and bottom padding to make room for accents that go above the normal ascent and descent. The default is true.

I searched a lot for proper answer but no where I could find an Answer which could exactly remove all the padding from the TextView, but finally after going through the official doc got a work around for Single Line Texts


Adding these two lines to TextView xml will do the work.
First attribute removes the padding reserved for accents and second attribute removes the spacing reserved to maintain proper space between two lines of text.

Make sure not to add lineSpacingExtra="0dp" in multiline TextView as it might make the appearance clumsy

I feel your pain. I've tried every answer above, including the setIncludeFontPadding to false, which did nothing for me.

My solution? layout_marginBottom="-3dp" on the TextView gives you a solution for the bottom, BAM!

Although, -3dp on layout_marginTop fails....ugh.

You can try to use this attribute(ConstraintLayout):layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf

Like this:


enter image description here

enter image description here