gulp command not found - error after installing gulp

Solution 1:

You forgot to install the gulp-cli package:

npm install -g gulp-cli

Then you can run the command "gulp" from the command line.

Solution 2:

The issue and answer can be found in this question:

The npm modules such as gulp are not installed to the path. Thus are not found when you run them in the CMD.

If gulp has been installed globally, you can use the process below:

  1. Create an environmental variable called NODE_PATH
  2. Set it to: %AppData%\npm\node_modules or %AppData%\npm on windows 8-10
  3. Close CMD, and Re-Open to get the new ENV variables

Add Node path to environmental variables

Running npm ls and npm ls -g shows that they are installed, but the CMD can not find them due to the missing link.

Solution 3:

  1. Be sure that you have gulp and gulp.cmd (use windows search)
  2. Copy the path of gulp.cmd (C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\npm)
  3. Add this path to the Path envirement variable or edit PATH environment variable and add %APPDATA%\npm
  4. Reopen cmd.

Add %APPDATA%\npm to front of Path, not end of the Path.

Solution 4:

  1. Install gulp globally.

    npm install -g gulp

  2. Install gulp locally in the project.

    npm install gulp

  3. Add below line in your package.json

    "scripts": { "gulp": "gulp" }

  4. Run gulp.

    npm run gulp

This worked for me.

Solution 5:

I am using Windows 8.1. I had the same problem.

I installed gulp using Node.js command prompt

npm install -g gulp

Then go to the required directory in Node.js command prompt and try

gulp -v

If you get gulp local version not found exit the current Node.js command prompt and try the above command in a new Node.js command prompt

I tried the NODE_PATH mentioned by @SteveLacy but the command prompt was still not able to detect gulp command