Quick way to restore or reload /etc/fstab settings?

I'm working with a complex /etc/fstab on a RHEL 6.x-based server. The system has a variety of mount options in use across eight partitions, including several bind mounts. I'm testing options and their effect on the image I'm working on.

e.g. options like nodev,nosuid,noexec,nobarrier and several XFS filesystem parameters are in place.

While I know it's possible to remount with specific options, is there a quick way to revert all mounts to the persistent settings hardcoded in /etc/fstab?

For instance sysctl -p loads the /etc/sysctl.conf values and applies them. Is there a mount equivalent?


An example config:

# /etc/fstab
UUID=e6ca80cd    /                       ext4    noatime,nobarrier        1 1
UUID=a327d315    /boot                   ext4    defaults                 1 2
UUID=333ada18    /home                   ext4    noatime,nobarrier,nodev  1 2
UUID=7835718b    /tmp                    ext4    nodev,nosuid,noexec      1 2
UUID=4dd2e9d4    /usr                    ext4    defaults                 1 2
UUID=c274f65f    /var                    ext4    noatime,nobarrier        1 2
UUID=5b5941e0    /var/log                ext4    defaults                 1 2
UUID=3645951a    /var/log/audit          ext4    defaults                 1 2
UUID=3213123c    /vol1                   xfs     noatime,logbufs=8,nobarrier 1 2
UUID=1ee1c070    swap                    swap    defaults                 0 0
# Bind mount for /tmp
/tmp             /var/tmp                none    bind                     0 0
tmpfs            /dev/shm                tmpfs   nodev,nosuid,noexec      0 0
devpts           /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620           0 0
sysfs            /sys                    sysfs   defaults                 0 0
proc             /proc                   proc    defaults                 0 0

Of course, a developer asks for execute permissions on /tmp in order to install an application...

I'm finding that the remount option does not work on this system without specifying the device and (re)mountpoint. This is a security-hardened server, so the issues I'm seeing may be SElinux-related or a result of the bind mounts, or maybe even the presence of negated options (noexec versus exec)...

Solution 1:

Type this into bash:

egrep -v '^#' /etc/fstab | while read dev dir type opts dump pass ; do
    echo "mount -o remount,${opts} ${dir}";

On my system, this produces output like this:

mount -o remount,nodev,noexec,nosuid /proc
mount -o remount,relatime,errors=remount-ro /
mount -o remount,defaults /misc

Try it on your system. If you like it output it produces, use it, or just remove the echo and the double quotation marks from the command above.

Solution 2:

I would just use a script to do it for the relevant file systems

for fs in /home /var /whatever
    mount -o remount "$fs"

You may need to put a -f in there too if one or more fs may be busy e.g.

mount -f -o remount "$fs"

Solution 3:

From the mount manpage:

The remount functionality follows the standard way how the mount command works with options from fstab. It means the mount command doesn't read fstab (or mtab) only when a device and dir are fully specified.

  mount -o remount,rw /dev/foo /dir

After this call all old mount options are replaced and arbitrary stuff from fstab is ignored, except the loop= option which is internally generated and maintained by the mount command.

  mount -o remount,rw  /dir

So mount -o remount /mountpoint should restore the options in /etc/fstab:

mgorven@mamma:~% grep boot /etc/fstab
UUID=823c73dc-8f64-4f76-a120-968106ffdf5a /boot           ext4    relatime        0       2
mgorven@mamma:~% sudo mount -o remount,ro /boot
mgorven@mamma:~% mount | grep boot
/dev/sda4 on /boot type ext4 (ro,relatime)
mgorven@mamma:~% sudo mount -o remount /boot
mgorven@mamma:~% mount | grep boot
/dev/sda4 on /boot type ext4 (rw,relatime)