What type of poem is this

I'm no English major. And I'm no poet either.

But I love to read and I really like poetry.

Anyways I found this Poem, and I hadn't seen anything like it before.

Clouds sailing the soft blue Ocean.
Endless waves break on the Sand.
Infinite expanse of tiny Diamonds.
Buried deep, handheld Stars.
Specks of light that dot the Sky.
Clouds sailing the soft blue Ocean.


It seems to be a loop of definitions. where each line defines the last word of the line before.

Do any of you know what type of poem this is?

Solution 1:

Most broadly, this is an example of constrained writing, where a poet imposes a particular constraint on their form and then follows the creative implications of that constraint. While in many established verseforms constraints are associated with rhyme, number of lines, meter, and other formal elements, constraints can also come from other linguistic or contextual features. For instance, an acrostic involves fitting the first letter of each line to spell out something specific.

In this case, the constraint involves defining the last word of the line before it until the word for the initial line appears, at which point the initial line repeats. Beyond that, I have found no named type for this poem. This is not unusual - lots of nonce forms, defined by constraints created on particular occasions, exist.