Adjective for a person who enjoys taking care of their appearance

Solution 1:

It doesn't really work in the OP's sample sentence, but I would suggest well-groomed. If we tweak (quite radically, I'm afraid) the sample sentence we'd get

A well-groomed woman who epitomizes practical sense, and style.

Collins Dictionary

A well-groomed person is very neat and tidy, and looks as if they have taken care over their appearance.

Collins also provides soigné as one of its synonyms, a French loanword which originally meant “to take good care of” (soigner) nowadays its meaning is closer to that of being elegant, chic, and well-groomed. Merriam-Webster says of it

It can also be used to describe people, as in an article about fashion designer Donna Karan: "Though her name is really pronounced 'Karen,' people said it with a glamorous continental inflection; it suited their image of a fashion designer: aloof, soigné, different from you and me." (Josh Patner, The New York Times, April 11, 2004)

  • ‘As he stops to arrange dinner with the soignée wife of a chap he was at nursery school with, I realise, not without envy, that to be a Venetian is to live in the world's most beautiful and sophisticated village.’ (Oxford Dictionaries)

Solution 2:

Well-kempt. From the Oxford English Dictionary (and here at Oxford Dictionaries)

Of hair, etc.: carefully combed, neatly styled. Of a person: having carefully combed or neatly styled hair; (more generally) of clean and tidy appearance. Also in extended use, esp. of a garden, park, etc.: diligently tended or cared for; tidy.

I'd describe manicured nails, carefully-coifed hair, some makeup, moisturizer, or otherwise clean skin, and similar measures as part of being well-kempt. Kempt retains a vague hint of action, being derived from the verb kemb (now obsolete), meaning to dress, trim, or comb hair. So there's a sense of care to the term as evident in the resulting appearance of a person or thing.