Windows not booting up on VM Fusion. Need to get a file off of windows

I am a pilot that has my logbook on the windows side of my iMac. Windows has been failing to boot up gives me an 000021a error every time. I have tried booting in last known good configuration and is safe mode but nothing gets windows to boot. I am trying to find out if I can access my logbook file even though windows is not booting. Anyone with any words of advice?!

Solution 1:

What you need to do is as follows:

  1. create a new VM
  2. Install Windows on that VM
  3. Shutdown the New VM
  4. In the New VM preferences, add the .vmdk for your old VM as a secondary drive on the new VM
  5. Start up your new VM and you old drive should now be visible as a secondary drive

Browse to the files you need to retrieve, copy to the new VM and you are done, all bar reversing the above and deleting the old VM