Installing mysql-devel to match MySQL version

I'm running MySQL 5.1.52 on CentOS 4.6 and I'm trying to install mysql-devel to match my MySQL version. If I do yum install mysql-devel it wants to upgrade MySQL to 5.1.58, yet if I do yum search mysql-devel, in addition to finding 5.1.58, I get a match for: 5.1.52-jason.1 .. utterramblings .. Matched from: mysql-devel

Why is yum trying to install an updated version and is there any way to get it to install the correct version without the need to upgrade MySQL?

I'd appreciate any help.

Solution 1:

Try getting the mysql-devel package and version you need from a different repo. Here's a couple to start:

Note you'll need to install using the rpm -i command, and it will expect you to already have various dependencies met.