Android Room @Delete with parameters

I know I can't use DELETE in a query (that is a shame by the way), I will get the following error:

<i>Error:error: Observable query return type (LiveData, Flowable etc) can only be used with SELECT queries that directly or indirectly (via @Relation, for example) access at least one table.</i>

But I can't use @Delete(WHERE... xxx) So how do I delete a specific row by a parameter?

Solution 1:

Actually, you can use @Query to perform a delete.

@Query("DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = :userId")
abstract void deleteByUserId(long userId);

Extracted from Query javadoc:

UPDATE or DELETE queries can return void or int. If it is an int, the value is the number of rows affected by this query.

Solution 2:

The beauty of room is, we play with the objects. As per requirement you can use for kotlin:

fun delete(model: LanguageModel)

for Java:

void delete(LanguageModel model)

it will delete the exact object which is stored in the db with the same values. LanguageModel is my model class and it works perfectly.