Require synonym to avoid confusion of dual meaning of "experience"

To avoid any confusion, I would suggest an alternate word for each, one of which is pointed to by the description you actually give:

John is married to Sally. John wants to focus on his job and gain experience so he can in future have the skills to start his own company. Sally thinks differently and want to experience the joys of life and go out every day of the week so she and John can enjoy life while they are young. John has a skill-based life view. Sally has a event-based life view.

The use of skill-based should be self-explanatory.

As for event-based, I simply used the definition provided by Merriam-Webster for a related sense of experience:

4 a : the conscious events that make up an individual life
4 b : the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or humankind generally

Although the word events is also used in the definition of the skill sense of experience, the focus there is on the knowledge gained rather than on the events themselves.

Or, if you want to keep experience but make the difference clear, you could use work experience and life experience.

This means you could say, for instance:

The problem with living an event-based life is that you live in the short term and don't prepare for the long term. The problem with skill-based living is that you miss out on the little joys and realize too late you are old and missed out on having fun.


The problem with prioritizing life experience is that you live in the short term and don't prepare for the long term. The problem with prioritizing work experience is that you miss out on the little joys and realize too late you are old and missed out on having fun.