Ubuntu 12.04 dropbox icon missing in tray (no working solution)

I have the dropbox missing icon display problem.

I try solutions like "sudo apt-get install libappindicator1", removing all the package and dropbox directories, reinstalling and no icon shows up.

the dropbox daemon works and update the directory without problem.

this is strange since, I use 2 different ubuntu 12.04 installations, one show up the dropbox icon fine and the second do not.


Solution 1:

Same problem for me... I solved by typing in a terminal:

dropbox stop
dropbox start

I have not rebooted the pc yet so I don't know if this solution works also after rebooting but for now I have the icon working. If you want type also:

dropbox autostart y

Solution 2:

I had this Problem and none of the above worked for me. However the solution was simple. Im using the gnome classic environment,hold Alt + WinKey whilst you right click on panel.select Add to panel and add NOTIFICATION AREA. Voilla Dropbox Icon appears Hope this can help someone

Solution 3:

If you are sure everything is installed correctly, you should run in a terminal:

gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist

The output will be a list, looking like:

['item1', 'item2']

Dropbox will probably not be in it. Edit the list in (for example) gedit, adding 'dropbox' to the list, and run in a terminal:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['item1', 'item2', 'dropbox']"

After log out / log in, the Dropbox icon should be in the tray again.