Asus Xonar DGX recognized but no sound

Solution 1:

Just ran into the same problem

After fiddling around I started alsamixer, selected the sound card (F6), and changed Analog Output to Multichannel.

  1. Install alsa-utils In terminal type:

    sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
  2. Run alsamixer in terminal

  3. Hit the F6 key.

  4. Arrow over to "Analog Output" and arrow up/down to change to "Multichannel"

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Hey all I just got a Xonar card working in my Ryzen 3 1300X Linux Mint 18.2 box. Mint is a fork of Ubuntu. This post/question is old but I thought I would mention that I used alsamixer as well. Multichannel works but I found that while the sound option in the control panel would show Headphones it was not specifying front panel audio or the port on the sound card. Alsamixer gave me "Stereo Headphones" and "Stereo Headphones FP". As soon as I selected "Stereo Headphones" it worked and sounds great! Hope this little update helps someone. Cheers.