How to trigger documentation popup in vscode

How to trigger a popup with documentation for identifier under the cursor? Normally it appears when hovering the identifier using the mouse pointer: enter image description here

I would like to achieve this effect using a command or keyboard shortcut.

The only related commands I found are: trigger completion (which doesn't show the function doc) and trigger parameters hint (which only works when the cursor is inside function call - parameters list).

This is the editor.action.showHover command. It is bound to cmdk cmdi by default.

Note: Shortcut works by holding down the cmd [ctrl in windows], then while holding press k then i

You can change the keyboard shortcut with a keybinding such as:

    "key": "cmd+k ctrl+space",
    "command": "editor.action.showHover",
    "when": "editorTextFocus"

The default shortcut for Trigger Parameter Hints is Ctrl+Shift+Space

You also have, with VSCode 1.40 (Oct. 2019):

Definition Preview Hover from the keyboard

There is a new command Show Definition Preview Hover for better accessibility of the definition preview hover widget, which can be triggered by hovering a symbol with the mouse and pressing a modifier key dependent on the platform and configuration.

Previously, only the command Show Hover was provided, which is equivalent to hovering the mouse cursor over a symbol.
Now, with Show Definition Preview Hover, the detailed hover information can be shown via the keyboard.

To make this more graphic, check these steps: enter image description here

enter image description here

In Visual Studio 2019 for Mac, I couldn't find anything about "hover" in the Key Bindings setting. The relevant command seems to be called "Show quick info" and is bound by default to Cmd + F1.

I know this question is about VSCode but I could only find this question when trying to search for an answer. Therefore I would also like to leave the information here in case somebody finds it useful.