Is it "on the title" or "in the title"?

For example:

What would be better

"I misspelled a word in the title"


"I misspelled a word on the title"

I seem to have a bit of a hard time with these prepositions; in, on or at.

I have found images like this one but it isn't really helpful when it comes to things other than time or places.

Solution 1:

The choice of the proper location preposition depends on the object it is used with. If the object is a surface, you should use 'on'. For example: on the page, on the wall, on the ceiling, on the platform, etc. If the object is a volume, space, or something solid, you should use 'in'. For example: in the car, in the room, in the rain, in the letter, etc. In your case 'the title' is used not as a surface. So the only preposition to use here is 'in': IN THE TITLE.