Getting color names from color picker

I am partially red-green color blind and would like to use a color picker to tell me what color things on my screen are. I recognize that utilities exist, such as gpick, grabc, gcolor2 that provide me with RGB or hex values. However, what I really want is for it to tell me that the color that I am looking at is "Red" or "OrangeRed" or some other name that I can relate to. A windows utility that does this is "What Color." Is there a linux equivalent or workaround? Like maybe I could pipe the output of gpick through some program that translates the hex to some English name for the color? Thanks!

Searching through the repository I found colorname that seems to do what you want.

sudo apt-get install colorname

Using the eyedropper select a color then click Execute at the bottom, and it attempts to find the closest match from several color databases (Gimp, Wikipedia, X11).

In 2021, GPick can tell you which color name is closest to the picked color.
In addition, this program has extensive functionality for building a color scheme, choosing a palette for a site, mixing colors, etc. GPick can tell the color name