Making Canon LBP6000 printer work under Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit

Solution 1:

I followed Masroor/bain instructions; after installing EVERY SINGLE (hidden) DEPENDENCY, I was able to get it to work, but ran into the "kill ccpd once every boot" issue.

If you go here and look at the very end of the page, they say:

Only one ccpd process running after system startup For normal operation two ccpd processes should be running in a system. The ccpd daemon depends on running cups daemon before forking the second process. You can use the following method to workaround the problem:

  1. Enable the cups init script (update-rc.d cups defaults).

  2. Instruct the ccpd init script to run after the cups init (update-rc.d ccpd defaults 99), or add "sleep 10 && /etc/init.d/ccpd start" in /etc/rc.local script.

I removed all runlevels for ccpd and added the sleep command to rc.local.

Solution 2:

Here are scripts that helped me with LBP6000, however it is in russian.

There is a downloads section on the page. Then you choose printer model and install it. You'll probably better use translator, but it is worth it.