Cannot login Wayland sessions on 20.04


sudo -H gedit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

Change this:


to this:


Reboot and retest Wayland.

Update #1:

  • After closer review, turned out it was already commented out.

  • Created another user account, and Wayland works there.

  • This indicates a problem in the original user's account.

  • The most common problems occur in the ~/.cache, ~/.local, and ~/.config folders.

  • ONE at a time, rename the folder to .cache.HOLD, etc.

  • Log out and see if you can log in using Wayland. If not, rename the second folder, retest, etc.

  • These three folders will recreate themselves and populate themselves with default settings. If renaming these folders fixes the problem, MOVE (not copy) the contents of the .HOLD folders back into their respective non-.HOLD folders, but DO NOT replace existing files. Any files left over in .HOLD folders are suspects in causing the problem.