Is it Possible To Move Menu Bar To Applications

Solution 1:

No is the simple answer.

The Mac UI is based on the premise of the application menu always being at the top. The reasoning was that you just have to move the mouse to the top of the screen to ensure you were at the menu, no hunting to find the menu bar on a window that could be anywhere on the screen.

This has been the case since the beginning of Mac OS in the early 1980s

This can get some getting used to if you are coming from Windows.

Solution 2:

Short answer: No, it is not possible to modify the Mac UI in that way, any more than it is possible to modify the Windows UI the other way.

Long answer: You could code your own programs to put menus on the window. Mac users will complain bitterly about it. Every time I open Inkscape (which does put it's own menus on the window) I end up using another application's 'Save' on the main window.

You have obviously recently switched from Windows or Linux. Neither method is "better", it's a design choice. Like most other switchers (in both directions) you try to remake the new UI in the image of the old.