How can I have different text in the footer on every page of a Word document?

Is there an easy way to add different text in footer on every page of a word document?

I bumped into the same issue myself. Here's the Yahoo Answers post on the subject. The selected answer from that post recommends maintaining a separate section for each page:

Each header and footer is "linked" for each section. So if you make each page a separate "section" (i.e., section break instead of a page break), then you can unlink the footers and place a different footer for each section.

This is the only way I know that will allow the different footer for each page.

That's a terrible hassle in my opinion, so I decided to waive having different footers on each page. Sadly I'm not aware of any alternative neat solution in Microsoft Word. This is definitely a feature request: Microsoft - please add a checkbox for "Different Footer on Every Page".

Is there an easy way …

An easy way?  Apparently not; in 3½ years, nobody has found one.  One rather ugly approach is to use IF fields.  For example,

{ IF { PAGE } = 1 "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,"
{ IF { PAGE } = 2 "Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore —"
{ IF { PAGE } = 3 "While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,"
                  "As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door." } } }

will display the first four lines of The Raven on pages 1-4.  Here’s a (slightly hairy) procedure that will let you enter the above to play with it (and, of course, you can change the text).

  1. Edit the footer.
  2. Copy the following text:
    IF PAGE = 1 "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,"
    IF PAGE = 2 "Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore —"
    IF PAGE = 3 "While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,"
                "As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door."
    into the footer.
  3. Select each of the words and phrases that appears in braces in the first code block (sequentially) and press Ctrl+F9.  A possible order:
    • Each occurrence of PAGE (one at a time).
    • From (the beginning of) the third IF through the very end (after door.").
    • From (the beginning of) the second IF through the very end.
    • From (the beginning of) the first IF through the very end.
    This will convert each of those strings to a field, and, consequently, add the { and } to the display.
  4. Right-click on the first IF and select “Toggle Field Codes”.
  5. Close the footer.


(In case any is needed)

Basically, this is Microsoft Word’s implementation of the IF-THEN-ELSE construct that is common in programming languages, as in

IF  Todays’s date is 1
    Today is Monday
ELSE IF  Todays’s date is 2
    Today is Tuesday
ELSE IF  Todays’s date is 3
    Today is Wednesday
    Here comes the weekend!

Microsoft Excel has an

IF( Logical_test , Value_if_true , Value_if_false )

function that works similarly.  Generally, they can all be nested.