OEM Office 2010 without media - how to reinstall?

Solution 1:

I have tried it and it works.

Just download the trial version corresponding to the version you have, and when it asks you to enter the product key enter your key and it will complete the full install process.

Solution 2:

For OEM keys without media, visit this Microsoft website. Microsoft will ask you for your CD key, then allow you to download the appropriate install files:


I work in IT and ended up calling Dell once when I was in your situation without the right installer. They pointed me to the website, and it worked.

UPDATE - Microsoft updated their link to office.microsoft.com/backup where you can get the 2010 version as well as the 2007 version (at the bottom). This site is specifically intended for reinstalls of OEM versions. There is a pretty good walkthrough of the process as well at: http://techmemos.com/setup-tutorials/reinstall-microsoft-office-20072010-that-came-with-your-pc-without-the-disc

Solution 3:

You can use this link : https://products.office.com/en-us/buy/using-your-office-2010-product-key-card?legRedir=true&CorrelationId=a3199fae-079e-4aa3-abd1-3613f117dbfb

Official from MS

Solution 4:

This is only half true ===>"if the hdd fails under while warranty, Dell will supply you with a new one, and Windows/Office/... installation media. All for free."

It is still true for the operating system. You often have to ask for an "imaged" hard drive. They do not automatically send you a drive with the OSD loaded. You have to ask.

It is not true for Office.

New Dells that ship with MS Office 2010 pre-installed do not, can not, and will not include media. If re-installation is required, say in the event of hard drive failure, you will have to download the software from Microsoft.