How to reference static assets within vue javascript

I'm looking for the right url to reference static assets, like images within Vue javascript.

For example, I'm creating a leaflet marker using a custom icon image, and I've tried several urls, but they all return a 404 (Not Found):


var icon = L.icon({
    iconUrl: './assets/img.png',
    iconSize:     [25, 25],
    iconAnchor:   [12, 12]

I've tried putting the images in the assets folder and the static folder with no luck. Do I have to tell vue to load those images somehow?

For anyone looking to refer images from template, You can refer images directly using '@'


<img src="@/assets/images/home.png"/>

In a Vue regular setup, /assets is not served.

The images become src="...YII=" strings, instead.

Using from within JavaScript: require()

To get the images from JS code, use require('../assets.myImage.png'). The path must be relative (see below).

So your code would be:

var icon = L.icon({
    iconUrl: require('./assets/img.png'),   // was iconUrl: './assets/img.png',
//  iconUrl: require('@/assets/img.png'), // use @ as alternative, depending on the path
    // ...

Use relative path

For example, say you have the following folder structure:

- src
  +- assets
     - myImage.png
  +- components
     - MyComponent.vue

If you want to reference the image in MyComponent.vue, the path sould be ../assets/myImage.png

Here's a DEMO CODESANDBOX showing it in action.

A better solution would be

Adding some good practices and safity to @acdcjunior's answer, to use @ instead of ./

In JavaScript


In JSX Template

<img src="@/assets/images/user-img-placeholder.png"/>

using @ points to the src directory.

using ~ points to the project root, which makes it easier to access the node_modules and other root level resources

In order for Webpack to return the correct asset paths, you need to use require('./relative/path/to/file.jpg'), which will get processed by file-loader and returns the resolved URL.

computed: {
  iconUrl () {
    return require('./assets/img.png')
    // The path could be '../assets/img.png', etc., which depends on where your vue file is

See VueJS templates - Handling Static Assets