Dependency graph of Visual Studio projects

Solution 1:

I needed something similar, but didn't want to pay for (or install) a tool to do it. I created a quick PowerShell script that goes through the project references and spits them out in a friendly-format instead:

Function Get-ProjectReferences ($rootFolder)
    $projectFiles = Get-ChildItem $rootFolder -Filter *.csproj -Recurse
    $ns = @{ defaultNamespace = "" }

    $projectFiles | ForEach-Object {
        $projectFile = $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        $projectName = $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName
        $projectXml = [xml](Get-Content $projectFile)

        $projectReferences = $projectXml | Select-Xml '//defaultNamespace:ProjectReference/defaultNamespace:Name' -Namespace $ns | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "#text"

        $projectReferences | ForEach-Object {
            "[" + $projectName + "] -> [" + $_ + "]"

Get-ProjectReferences "C:\Users\DanTup\Documents\MyProject" | Out-File "C:\Users\DanTup\Documents\MyProject\References.txt"

Solution 2:

Update: ReSharper since version 8 has built-in 'View Project Dependencies' feature.

ReSharper version prior to 8 has Internal feature to show dependency graphs in using yFiles viewer. See quick manual in the bottom of the post.

enter image description here


  1. Install yEd tool from here.
  2. Run VS with /resharper.internal command line argument.
  3. Go to ReSharper/Internal/Show Dependencies.
  4. Specify projects that you want to include to the 'big picture'.
  5. Uncheck 'Exclude terminal nodes...' unless you need it.
  6. Press 'Show'.
  7. Use hierarchical layout in yEd (Alt+Shift+H)
  8. Provide feedback =)