Making a string concatenation operator in R

Solution 1:

As others have mentioned, you cannot override the sealed S4 method "+". However, you do not need to define a new class in order to define an addition function for strings; this is not ideal since it forces you to convert the class of strings and thus leading to more ugly code. Instead, one can simply overwrite the "+" function:

"+" = function(x,y) {
    if(is.character(x) || is.character(y)) {
        return(paste(x , y, sep=""))
    } else {

Then the following should all work as expected:

1 + 4
1:10 + 4 
"Help" + "Me"

This solution feels a bit like a hack, since you are no longer using formal methods but its the only way to get the exact behavior you wanted.

Solution 2:

I'll try this (relatively more clean S3 solution)

`+` <- function (e1, e2) UseMethod("+")
`+.default` <- function (e1, e2) .Primitive("+")(e1, e2)
`+.character` <- function(e1, e2) 
    if(length(e1) == length(e2)) {
           paste(e1, e2, sep = '')
    } else stop('String Vectors of Different Lengths')

Code above will change + to a generic, and set the +.default to the original +, then add new method +.character to +

Solution 3:

You can also use S3 classes for this:

String <- function(x) {
  class(x) <- c("String", class(x))

"+.String" <- function(x,...) {
  x <- paste(x, paste(..., sep="", collapse=""), sep="", collapse="")

print.String <- function(x, ...) cat(x)

x <- "The quick brown "
y <- "fox jumped over "
z <- "the lazy dog"

String(x) + y + z