mySQL Returning the top 5 of each category

I want to be able to return 5 menuitem per menu. I've tried this several script but had no luck. here are the tables

menuid int()
profileName varchar(35)

itemid int()
name varchar(40)

Here what I have now. I'm getting the error message with the script below. Error: Subquery returns more then 1 row.

SELECT m.profilename, name
FROM menus m 
        from menuitems s
        where m.menuid = s.menuid
        limit 5)

Any suggestion is great appreciated.

Solution 1:

You have to use side effecting variables for this

SELECT profilename, name
    SELECT m.profilename,,
        @r:=case when @g=m.profilename then @r+1 else 1 end r,
    FROM (select @g:=null,@r:=0) n
    cross join menus m 
    left join menuitems s on m.menuid = s.menuid
) X
WHERE r <= 5