Reprimanding (pejorative) Idiom, phrase or expression for when one wants to pay less (minuscule) and get maximum out of a deal (basically greediness)

What is pejorative phrase, idiom for

one wants to pay less (minuscule) and get maximum out of a deal (basically greediness).

Example The management wants to get talented employee but hire employees at 1/4 of their actual market value (for peanuts). They are __________ (min. input and max. output). This is not how it works.

One British expression is "They want to have a Rolls Royce and pay for a Mini" referring, of course to the cars. Note that this is 1960s/70s in origin so the Mini is the old 850 Mini which was about as basic as it got, not the current, much larger and more sohpisticated one.