Hypernym for "audiobook", "podcast", "speech", etc.?

I am looking for a short and concise term (preferably one word) that can be used as a hypernym for essentially everything that contains (audio) speech (e.g. audiobooks, podcasts, recorded news bulletins, recorded performances of comedians,..).

Does such a term exist? I've thought about 'speech', but that seems to be more adequate for e.g. political speeches, and not so much for audio books and the like. But maybe I'm wrong.

Solution 1:

Depending on context, you might be able to use recordings.

Solution 2:

These would normally be refered to as media.

But if you wish to specify further, to exclude visual media such as videos, the word audio is probably the best available.

au·di·o (ôd-) n.

  1. The part of television or movie equipment that has to do with sound.

  2. The broadcasting, reception, or reproduction of sound.

  3. Audible sound.

  4. A sound signal: lost the audio during the broadcast.

Solution 3:

"spoken word" is the term used by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.