Is the word "management" singular or plural? [duplicate]

In American English, the management is used as a singular collective noun (like group) as American corpus and Ngram searches repeatedly confirm. A singular verb in order to maintain subject-verb agreement:

The management gets its ideas from its employees.

However, it is noteworthy that the COED allows for the word to be regarded as plural:

[treated as singular or plural] the people managing a company or organization, regarded collectively:
management were extremely cooperative

Also, the British National Corpus comes up with 9 results when searched for the management are, 8 of which are applicable to this scenario. I tend to believe, then, that the difference is mainly between British English and American English; that though management is more generally considered singular in both areas, British English is more likely to support a plural interpretation than American English.

Management is planning to hire more workers. = (Brit) (The) Management are planning to hire more workers.

Source: Merriam-Webster

BrEng seems to be more accommodating of notional agreement than AmEng. Speakers of BrEng are quite happy to follow nouns like management, government, committee and several more with a plural verb, particularly when they wish to emphasise the discrete nature of the members of the group rather than their homogeneity.