How can I take screenshots of YouTube videos in full screen?

Bookmarklet to Hide All YouTube Video Progress/Toolbars with one click

(makes it easy to get a clean full-screen HD screenshot)

To ADD the Bookmarklet:

  1. highlight the the text in the next box

    javascript:(function(){var goaway=".ytp-chrome-top,.ytp-chrome-bottom{display:none;}";if("\v"=="v"){document.createStyleSheet().cssText=goaway}else{var tag=document.createElement("style");tag.type="text/css";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tag);tag[(typeof"string")?"innerText":"innerHTML"]=goaway}})();

  2. drag the highlighted text to your browser bookmarks toolbar

  3. rename the newly created bookmark if desired

To USE the Bookmarklet (to remove progress/toolbars):

  1. load any YouTube video
  2. click the bookmark
  3. All progress/toolbars are gone

To RESTORE all toolbars:

  • refresh the page

To CONTROL VIDEO (without buttons toolbar):

  • Full-screen: double-click the video
  • Rewind/Fast Forward: left/right arrow keys

The only way I could find was simply to download the video from Youtube, play it in any media player and take a screenshot from there (either with the media player's screenshot option, or PrtScn on the keyboard).

How about not pausing and hitting PrtScn when the timing is right. If that is not an option Windows 7 has a tool called Snipping Tool that will let you chop off the top UI bar, of course at the cost of losing that much video area.

A very simple solution which is working on Firefox. This will take a full screenshot of the YouTube video at the current time.

No need for downloading anything or adding anything to your browser.

  1. The first right click will open the internal YouTube menu, leave that.
  2. Right click again on the video so the browser menu will be shown
  3. Click on "Save Snapshot As..." from there.

As shown below: enter image description here

BTW, You can move frame by frame with , and . keys when the video is paused.