In Python, how do I indicate I'm overriding a method?
Solution 1:
Based on this and fwc:s answer I created a pip installable package
From time to time I end up here looking at this question. Mainly this happens after (again) seeing the same bug in our code base: Someone has forgotten some "interface" implementing class while renaming a method in the "interface"..
Well Python ain't Java but Python has power -- and explicit is better than implicit -- and there are real concrete cases in the real world where this thing would have helped me.
So here is a sketch of overrides decorator. This will check that the class given as a parameter has the same method (or something) name as the method being decorated.
If you can think of a better solution please post it here!
def overrides(interface_class):
def overrider(method):
assert(method.__name__ in dir(interface_class))
return method
return overrider
It works as follows:
class MySuperInterface(object):
def my_method(self):
print 'hello world!'
class ConcreteImplementer(MySuperInterface):
def my_method(self):
print 'hello kitty!'
and if you do a faulty version it will raise an assertion error during class loading:
class ConcreteFaultyImplementer(MySuperInterface):
def your_method(self):
print 'bye bye!'
>> AssertionError!!!!!!!
Solution 2:
Here's an implementation that doesn't require specification of the interface_class name.
import inspect
import re
def overrides(method):
# actually can't do this because a method is really just a function while inside a class def'n
stack = inspect.stack()
base_classes ='class.+\((.+)\)\s*\:', stack[2][4][0]).group(1)
# handle multiple inheritance
base_classes = [s.strip() for s in base_classes.split(',')]
if not base_classes:
raise ValueError('overrides decorator: unable to determine base class')
# stack[0]=overrides, stack[1]=inside class def'n, stack[2]=outside class def'n
derived_class_locals = stack[2][0].f_locals
# replace each class name in base_classes with the actual class type
for i, base_class in enumerate(base_classes):
if '.' not in base_class:
base_classes[i] = derived_class_locals[base_class]
components = base_class.split('.')
# obj is either a module or a class
obj = derived_class_locals[components[0]]
for c in components[1:]:
assert(inspect.ismodule(obj) or inspect.isclass(obj))
obj = getattr(obj, c)
base_classes[i] = obj
assert( any( hasattr(cls, method.__name__) for cls in base_classes ) )
return method
Solution 3:
If you want this for documentation purposes only, you can define your own override decorator:
def override(f):
return f
class MyClass (BaseClass):
def method(self):
This is really nothing but eye-candy, unless you create override(f) in such a way that is actually checks for an override.
But then, this is Python, why write it like it was Java?