How to add Google Analytics Tracking ID to GitHub Pages

Could be a simple question but I am full of doubts right now about adding Google Analytics Tracking ID to GitHub page.

I am using GitHub automatic page generator to create my GitHub page but it asks for "Google Analytics Tracking ID". I tried to sign up with Google Analytics but there on it asks for website URL.

Now what I am supposed to do?

One more ques: can we add Google Analytics Tracking ID later on after GitHub Page has been created?

Solution 1:

Update: Added steps descriptions for others

Solved it:
had to include (link that I want to track) in Google Analytics website section.

you can check GitHub help page here

enter image description here

After that I was provided with an Tracker ID.

Note: You can easily change or add more websites on Google Analytics page from your Google Analytics admin panel.

Update 2: - Adding Google Analytics Tracking ID to Already created Github pages (As requested by @avi-aryan )

  1. Browse to your github pages branch - which would be something like -
    ( )
  2. Then edit index.html from listed files
  3. Now in within HEAD tag of index.html - paste your Google Analytics Tracking ID Script ( if have already signed up for Google analytics then you can browse it under admin and then tracking info tab )

Solution 2:

For anyone interested, if you are using Jekyll with GitHub pages, I just wrote a post showing how to correctly add Google Analytics Tracking ID to Jekyll.

  1. You will find your Universal Analytics tracking code under Admin > Property > Tracking Info > Tracking Code.

  2. Create a new file called analytics.html in the _includes folder found in your Jekyll website’s directory.

  3. Add Google Analytics Tracking ID code to analytics.html.

  4. Finally, open _layouts/head.html, and add {% include analytics.html %} just before the end </head> tag. Google recommends this placement to track all of the pages on your website correctly.