Selecting an exact number of words in Word 2007

How would I go about having Word 2007 select an exact number of words from the cursor position? The count according to Non-Asian words would be particularly helpful.

You can use VB to do this. Place the following code into the VB browser (Ctl + F11). You can place it in the NewMacros folder and it will be available in all the new documents you create. Or you can place it in the ThisDocument for it to only be available in the document you are working with.

Sub SelectWords()
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdWord, Count:=10, Extend:=wdExtend
End Sub

Adjust the Count:= number to be the number of words you want selected.

enter image description here

To run the macro, open the marco window with Atl + F8 and run SelectWords.

enter image description here