US entertainment media have an outsized influence on other countries and cultures. For instance, apparently in some places the emergency services now have to respond to "9-1-1" calls in addition to the usual local number such as "9-9-9".

But this one surprised me. In a crime novel set in Britain, by a British author, regarding a British police detective and a suspect:

"Am I under arrest?"

"Did you hear me read you your Miranda rights?"

"Well, no, but..."

Is this plausible? Has "Miranda" become one of those US memes passed on to other countries, to the point where everyday criminals in the West Midlands would understand it as shorthand for being questioned under caution?

I can't find any evidence of this online, but it seems unlikely that this author (English born and Black Country bred) just made it up.

Has anyone seen real-life examples of this?

Much to my surprise, I did find at least one example:

"Miranda rights introduced in Scotland under sweeping new police powers" - Stirling News, UK