How to downgrade Node version

Solution 1:

Warning: This answer does not support Windows OS

You can use n for node's version management. There is a simple intro for n.

$ npm install -g n
$ n 6.10.3

this is very easy to use.

then you can show your node version:

$ node -v

For windows nvm is a well-received tool.

Solution 2:

For windows:


  1. Go to Control panel> program and features>Node.js then uninstall

  2. Go to website: and download the version and install.

Solution 3:

Determining your Node version

node -v  // or node --version
npm -v   // npm version or long npm --version

Ensure that you have n installed

sudo npm install -g n // -g for global installation 

Upgrading to the latest stable version

sudo n stable

Changing to a specific version

sudo n 10.16.0

Answer inspired by this article.