How did this exploit allow write access to root owned files?

This was a bug in pam_motd that has long since been patched out:

pam_motd (aka the MOTD module) in libpam-modules before 1.1.0-2ubuntu1.1 in PAM on Ubuntu 9.10 and libpam-modules before 1.1.1-2ubuntu5 in PAM on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS allows local users to change the ownership of arbitrary files via a symlink attack on .cache in a user's home directory, related to "user file stamps" and the file.

This basically translates to, while logging in with SSH, PAM (the authentication module, running as root) would try to chown $USER: ~/.cache. It didn't look to see what that was so the ownership change was propagating to the linked file.

That allowed you to own and then edit the system files and gain root-level access.

While .cache was symlinked to /etc/{passwd,shadow} they could have echoed into .cache... But why bother? By that point those files had their file ownership changed to $USER. They were freely editable.

Just in answer to your comments:

  • It doesn't give you permission, it (or I should say its PAM module) is the thing changing the ownership. But yes, PAM doing what it did was the problem.

  • The symlink to ~/.cache is just a redirect for the exploit. Is required so that when you log in PAM (running as root) tries to chown the linked file. That's the exploit there.

  • It was an oversight and it was fixed by dropping privileges before entering into any of that code.