File permissions changed when using Copy (file syncing software)

Solution 1:

You can use rsync to copy your files. The -p option will preserve permissions and so many options:

-p          --> Preserve permissions 
-E          --> Preserve Executability
-o          --> Preserve OwenrShip
-g          --> Preserve Groups
-t          --> Preserve modifition time

for further redings use this link

Solution 2:

cp also can copy files preserving permissions, ownership etc. For this you need to use the --preserve switch. Here's the corresponding manual entry:

preserve the specified attributes (default:
mode,ownership,timestamps), if possible additional attributes:
context, links, xattr, all

But as Fiximan suggested cp -a would be simpler. From man pages again,

-a, --archive ; same as -dR --preserve=all

So the command would be something like:

cp -a <source> <destination>

That being said, since you are copying files, especially between a computer at work to home via the internet, it is best to use scp. scp has the -p switch which will preserve modification times, access times, and modes from the original file. You may also want to use the -r switch to recursively copy folders and subfolders. Here is a good guide on how use scp to transfer files.

Solution 3:

If you are vendor-locked on Copy, you can ask support on their site about preserving attributes.

If you have GUI, I suggest to use FreeFileSync.


  • is open-source (GPLv3) software;
  • works great with local and remote (FTP, SMB/CIFS, SSH via GVFS) files;
  • compares by attributes and by content;
  • have flexible sync settings (two way, mirror, update, custom);
  • has real-time sync agent;
  • preserves attributes and allows to copy file access permissions.

Also you can try Unison (Ubuntu package available) or any other program from Wikipedia list.