java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in Flink

I trying to read the a file using :

final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DataSet<String> line = env.readTextFile("file:///pathtofile/myfile.txt");

I get following error:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method <init>(Lorg/apache/flink/core/fs/Path;)V not found

I'm using flink version 1.3.2, java version "1.8.0_91"

There is a conflict with dependencies. Apache Flink loads many classes by default into its classpath.

Please read this article the last section

Resolving Dependency Conflicts with Flink using the maven-shade-plugin

Apache Flink loads many classes by default into its classpath. If a user uses a different version of a library that Flink is using, often 




 are the result.

So, I suggest to play with your pom.xml and use maven-shade-plugin and add correct relocation, as we have in example


Are you getting this error in IntelliJ or Dashboard, if you are getting this error in IntelliJ then make sure you use the same Flink version in your pom.xml and also add dependency shading in the build like this









make sure to run maven clean install in the terminal after you make changes . On the other hand, If you are having this issue only in Dashboard not in intelliJ , then have a look here

I faced the similar issue, for me the problem was flink minor version mismatch. My local flink cluster was running flink-1.8.0 and my code expected the version to be flink-1.8.3. Switching to newer version solved this issue.