Android Studio - TextView not showing in design view layout

I am brand new to trying out an android app. I started to follow the online tutorial (, but getting a bit frustrated at adding a new TextView, as according to the tutorial, it should show in design view, and let me move it around. It is invisible to me in design view though, and I can only see it by running an emulation. Please can someone let me know if I am doing something wrong? or something the tutorial does not tell you? or is this just a bug?

Android Studio Screenshot

Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer.

There is a bug in latest sdk 28 ,

Change the compileSdkVersion 27

targetSdkVersion 27


implementation ''


This is said to fix problem but I did not test it yet

In styles.xml change the parent theme for your app to Base.Theme.AppCompat instead of Theme.AppCompat

I faced this issue too, this is a issue from the latest support.appCompact.

Inside gradle dependencies if your using,

implementation ''

change to

implementation ''

This will fix the issue