A desktop Wiki editor/viewer: is there anything out there? [closed]

Take a look at http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ it is very cool and runs on your local browser. If you have something like DropBox or Live Mesh it makes it even better.

But it's not just a wiki! It has very powerful plugin capabilities, so it can also be used to build new tools. You have full control over how it looks and behaves. For example, TiddlyWiki is already being used as:

* A personal notebook
* A GTD ("Getting Things Done") productivity tool
* A collaboration tool
* For building websites (this site is a TiddlyWiki file!)
* For rapid prototyping
* ...and much more!

There is a free program named My Desktop Wiki from upredsun. I think this is the software you needed.

Another program is Notepad++, it seems to have a wiki plugin, I think you can try it as well.